Barcode Scan check-in
Seanalee Greenough avatar
Written by Seanalee Greenough
Updated over a week ago

With zingfit's native app, your customers can now scan their phones to check into their upcoming classes at the Studio's Self Sign in Kiosk.

Hardware Requirements

The Self-Sign in Kiosk will need a barcode scanner plugged in in order for a customer to scan their phone. Here is a link to zingfit's hardware partner to purchase a compatible scanner:

Please note: If you purchase any other barcode scanner this will not work with the zingfit software.

iPad and USB Scanners

All zingfit compatible scanners are USB plugin. If you use an iPad for your Self-Sign in Kiosk, you must purchase a converter in order for the USB to connect to the iPad. Click here to view a USB converter for an iPad.

Please note: The compatible USB converter is the only converter that will work with a scanner and an iPad. A normal converter will not work as the scanner requires much power. Your iPad will need to be plugged in to work.

How to use the Bar Scanner in the app

Once the scanner has been plugged into the Kiosk

  1. Launch the kiosk through the 'Booker'

  2. Pull up your studio's zingfit branded app on your phone

  3. Select the Settings to gear in the upper right-hand corner of the app

  4. Select 'Sign in with Barcode'

  5. Physically scan the code on the kiosk

This will check the customer into their upcoming class for that day.

Keyboard emulator

Please note, if the scanner is plugged into the kiosk the keyboard functionality within the tablet may not render as the scanner is a replacement for the keyboard emulator.

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