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Marketing Automation 101
Marketing Automation 101: Segments
Marketing Automation 101: Segments
Lauren Everett avatar
Written by Lauren Everett
Updated over a week ago

*Note: We recommend NEVER sending an email (even your newsletter) to your ENTIRE list of Contacts (unless you're sending an email to tell folks about a studio closure).

If you're sending your regular newsletter, we recommend sending it to a Smart Segment of Contacts that have visited the studio within the last 180 days. This will help to improve your click rates, open rates, and avoid your emails being categorized as Spam.

Most Common Smart Segments:

  • All Contacts who have a Membership

  • All Contacts whose Last Visit was within the past # days (60 days, 180 days)

  • All Contacts who have # Visits Remaining (related to folks who have Credit Packages)

  • All Contacts who have purchased (insert name) Membership (great for use during pre-sales to send occasional updates to folks who buy Founding Memberships before the studio opens)

Got questions about Segments? Check out this section of the Knowledge Base to help you get the answers you need.

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