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If Your Customers Can't Register Online
If Your Customers Can't Register Online
Ian Livingston avatar
Written by Ian Livingston
Updated over a week ago

If your customers are having trouble registering online due to an error message asking them to verify highlighted required fields but no fields are highlighted it is possible that a Customer Field has been set to required but not to display.

To check this, navigate to Admin > Configuration > System Settings, then click on the button called Configure Customer Fields

Review settings under the New Account and Edit Account columns and verify that all required fields are also displayed. See the image below for an example of a field that is set to required but not displayed.

Additionally, if you have the Preferred Location field set to required, ensure that if you have more than one location you configure your locations to populate this field. To accomplish this, navigate to Admin > Configuration > Studios, select blue edit button for the studio. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and then select Yes for Display For Preferred Location.

Furthermore, if you have the Referrer set to Required, make sure that you have referrals set up in your system. To do this, navigate to Admin > People > Customer Referrals, then select the Edit Config button, and figured the Trigger and the rest of the referral options to your studio's specifications

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