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How do a giveaway or comp a free class?
How do a giveaway or comp a free class?
Seanalee Greenough avatar
Written by Seanalee Greenough
Updated over a week ago

NOTE - Comping Series and Contracts do not remove the 'New' status from the customer, allowing them to benefit from Series/Contracts restricted to New customers. A customer is only no longer considered New whenever they purchase a Series or Contract that does not allow them to remain new on purchase.

1. In the Booker, find the customer.

2. From their customer profile card, click "Register"

3. In the register, you can select a Series, or product, to give away to the customer. Click on "Take Payment"

4. In the Take Payment screen, you will see a "comp" option to the right of the credit card images. Click there, then give a comp reason and then click on "place order" (details for comps can be reviewed by click the comp payment type in Reporting > Sales by Payment Type.

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