Purchase Orders
Seanalee Greenough avatar
Written by Seanalee Greenough
Updated over a week ago

To create a PO, navigate to Admin > Scheduling/Retail > Purchase Orders > New Purchase Order.

When you start a new purchase order you will be prompted to select a Supplier. Use the Find Product search field for the name of the product and input the Quantity and Unit Price (wholesale cost). Once this data is inserted, click Add. Repeat these steps for all items you want to add to the Purchase Order. Once the products have been added you can also include shipping and any additional costs that may be associated with this purchase in order to do the final unit costs. Additionally, you can add a Reference Number for tracking purposes. Once all items are in the PO, click Update.

In some cases, if you have un-purchased stock (negative inventory) from selling items where the system has no current stock, the line item will display with a red background. In this case, the un-purchased stock counts will be deducted against the distributed stock. So, where there are 5 small Capri pants in un-purchased stock, and 10 Capri pants are taken in via purchase order, only 5 items will be available for studio receiving.

Duplicating Purchase Orders

Only closed purchase orders can be duplicated. To duplicate a closed purchase order, select 'Duplicate' on the same PO line that you want to be duplicated.

Duplicating the PO will automatically add an open PO to your open list.

What copies over:

  • Skus

  • Quantity

  • Unit Price

  • Lot Additional Cost

  • Lot Shipping Cost

  • Cost

  • Supplier

What changes:

  • The Purchase Order ID

  • The date

  • The reference number is left blank for you to update

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