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What are the Booking/Reservation Window Configuration in System Settings?
What are the Booking/Reservation Window Configuration in System Settings?
Seanalee Greenough avatar
Written by Seanalee Greenough
Updated over a week ago

Below are the definitions for the Booking and Reservation options located under your System Settings.


  • weekbyweek - will display 7 days at a time with an option to click to next week (depending on how many reservable days)

  • week2 - will only show the Reservable Days, 7 days max only. No option to see next week.

  • weeks2 - will show all Reservable Days broken down by week.

  • extendedweek2 - if set to Reservabledays = 13 , 13 days display

  • list - shows schedule as a list

Reservation Window = This determines the day of the week the schedule is released. There is also a Rolling option as well that releases a new day of the schedule every day with the reservable days being the block of bookable classes.

Startinghour = Hour in military time. i.e. 13 = 1pm (Acceptable numbers 0 - 23)

Startingmin = Minutes: 30 is 30 minutes, etc.

Reservabledays = Number of days that the schedule released as bookable days. This setting must be a value of 8 or more.

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