Segments are a feature in Marketing Automation that allow you to create specific lists of contacts for you to target with messaging, or even just to gain insight for reporting purposes.
Adding Contacts: Smart-Rule Conditions vs. Manual Adds
Creating a New Segment
To create a new segment, log into Marketing Automation and navigate to the Contacts tab in the navigation menu. Once in the Contacts tab, click Segments in the sub-navigation menu. Then, click Create Segment in the top-right. Lastly, name your segment (this will not be client-facing.)
Adding Contacts
Once you have created your segment, you will have two options to populate your list:
Using our Smart-Rule conditions
Uploading a list manually
Smart-Rule Conditions
Our smart-rule conditions allow you to easily pull a list of contacts based on a shared attribute. Our conditions utilize both data we receive from your booking software (i.e. which contacts have purchased your 10 Class Pack) as well as Marketing Automation data (i.e. which contacts filled out a Marketing Automation form.) The wonderful thing about smart-rule conditions is that they are constantly refreshing your segment with new data, keeping your segments up-to-date.
Once you've created your segment, click Add a smart rule > Add a condition > and select the condition you'd like to use for your segment. When you've selected your condition, feel free to customize any of the qualifiers within if you'd like to filter on specific pricing options, class types, locations, etc. Note: these qualifiers will differ per condition.
Once you've selected and customized your condition, click Save. If you'd like to add more than one condition, click Add another condition.
Note: Combining conditions will create AND scenarios, not OR. To create an OR scenario, you will need to create separate segments per condition and combine the segments.
Manual Add
Uploading a CSV
Using the manual upload option can be helpful when you already have a list created in your previous email platform. There are also rare instances when our conditions aren't able to capture the data you're hoping, in which you can pull a report in your booking software. Once you have your external list, please ensure the file is formatted properly as a CSV.
To begin the process, click Add in the top-right. Then, scroll to the "Upload from .CSV option." Select your CSV and click Upload CSV. You will receive a confirmation email alerting you of the successful upload. Once you receive this email, refresh your segment to see the populated list.
Adding Individual Contacts
You can also manually add individual contacts to your segment. This is great when you have a small list of contacts you're hoping to capture.
To begin the process, click Add in the top-right. Then, scroll to the "Add a single contact option." Enter the contact's information and click Add Contact.
Using Segments
Segments can be used for a number of reasons! Please reference the relevant articles below depending on what you are hoping to accomplish.
To gain visibility for reporting purposes
Segment Groups
Segment Groups are a great way to organize your segments based on their type/intention. To create a new segment group, navigate to the Segments homepage and click Add Segment Group in the left-hand menu.
To add a new segment to your Segment Group, click into the group and create the segment right from there using the Create Segment button in the top-right. To add an existing segment to your Segment Group, click into the segment > click Options in the top-right > Move to Segment Group > select the group from the drop-down.