Whenever you are adding an auto-message or auto-action to an auto-campaign, you will need to set the timing around when you want this item to send or be created, respectively. This article will walk you through the three options for timing.
Time Delay
The Time Delay option will schedule a message or task after a certain amount of time since a contact's entry into the auto-campaign. You will be able to choose whether you want the message to send Immediately or after a certain amount of hours, days, or weeks.
Some common use-cases for the Time Delay option include:
Sending an email to a new lead immediately after they create a profile in your booking software
Send a text message to a client 1 hour after their first visit to your business.
Sending an email to a client 1 week after their 2-Week Trial ended.
Time Delay with an Additional Rule
The Time Delay with an Additional Rule option partially uses the same logic as the Time Delay option above. This option will schedule a message or task after a certain amount of time (hours, days, weeks, etc.) since a contact's entry into the auto-campaign if the client also meets a certain rule.
Some common use-cases for the Time Delay option include:
Sending an email to a client 1 day after purchasing an intro offer if the client has not yet reserved a class
Sending a text message to a client 1 week after their first visit if the client has not visited again
Sending an email to a client 1 week after their 2-Week Trial ended if they have not bought anything since
Right When a Rule is Met
Unlike the two options above, the Right When a Rule is Met option does not take time into account at all. This option will schedule a message or task whenever the client meets a certain rule.
Sending an email to a client when they reserve their next class
Sending a text to a client when they come in for their 2nd visit
Sending a text to a client when they open a certain email.