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Scheduler Bulk Update Tool
Ian Livingston avatar
Written by Ian Livingston
Updated over 2 years ago

The Bulk Update tool in the Scheduler can be used to make changes to your Studio schedule in bulk. You can use this to change the Series Type, Instructor, Class Type, Start Time, and the Flex price where applicable.

The Bulk Updater bar can be found at the top of your Scheduler.

Please note if you do not have this access, you need to have your admin add this to your role.

If you have multiple rooms in your Studio, choose the room you wish to update by selecting it in the "By Room" drop-down in the top right-hand corner, otherwise, just click the "Bulk Update" Button.

This will now present you with the Bulk Updater search screen.

This is what you will use to search for the classes that you want to update. Using the fields, you can filter the classes you wish to update. Here are the filters that can be used:

Start and End date

Time Range - This can be the entire day or you can narrow down your search to a single time slot.

Series Type


Class Type

If you leave the Series Type, Instructor, and Class Type fields blank, the search will return all of your classes within the date and time range you search for. Once you have entered your search criteria click Find. This will then display all of your search results on the next page.

If you have not found the information you were looking for simply scroll to the bottom of the page and click back, no changes have been made.

To select the classes you would like to update, check the box next to them on the left. You can check as many or as few as you would like. If you want to change everything the search returned all at once select the checkbox at the top labeled "Check All".

Once you have selected the classes you would like to update click Next at the bottom of the page. This will now bring you to the options for updates.

You can Add or Remove Series Types, change the Instructor, the Class Type, you can also change the start time and the FLEX pricing if applicable. You can update any combination of these including changing them all at the same time.

***Please note these changes cannot be reversed. There is no option to undo any changes made here. You will need to know the original settings in order to change them back, that information will not be stored on the system. If you want to start again without making any updates click "Back to Beginning" and this will take you back to the search screen***

Once you have entered the updates you would like to make and have checked they are correct click Run and the updates will be made to your Scheduler.

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