Studios will find a Performance Metrics report at Site Content > Performance Metrics. At the top left of the report is a link to see the current Monthly Leaderboard. Otherwise, the report displays performance data results for each class.
Changing performance data for a spot/customer
Often a customer will change a spot after enrollment. And since metrics are typically bound to a spot (HR straps not included), if adjustments are not made after a customer switches a spot the metrics will be misapplied to respective customers.
If spots are switched in the zingFit software before the end of the class, nothing needs to be done (as data is uploaded at the end of the class.)
If spots are NOT switched before the end of the class, studios can remove performance data for a class session as well as to reassign performance data to different riders. For either function, click the edit (pencil) icon and you will see a drop-down menu next to each bike's data record ... choose "no match" to delete the data or use the drop-down menu to assign a different customer to the bike data record.
NB: Remember that you can request a widget from zingFit support that will allow you to display a monthly Leaderboard on your studio website.