Studios often wish to create classes that are accessible to VIPs, selected customers, or family and friends. This article outlines one means for using zingFit to accomplish this.
Create a new Class Type Admin > Scheduling/Retail > Classes. It is a good idea to create a class description letting public users know that the class has restricted access.
2. Create a Series Type and Series Type Admin > Scheduling/Retail > Series Type, Type Admin > Scheduling/Retail > Series/Contracts . When you create a series, make sure to give it a price even though the customer will not be charged and make sure to leave the Series offline.
3. Create the Class in the Scheduler. Check off only the Soft Opening Series Type.
4. Create the Group (Admin > People > Groups. Add the Soft Opening Series to the Group with a 100% discount.
Note: using an activation code when creating the group will allow customers to self-enroll in the group (and then the next step is not necessary).
5. Grant individuals access to the Group manually from the customer Info tab via the Booker.