Series Types are offered as a type of "currency" so that studios can offer different pricing for different types of classes. For example, studios that offer group training as well as private training will want to charge different pricing for the two types of sessions and this would be accomplished by creating two different series types, each with their own class packages. Two other scenarios that demand Series Types are Charity Classes, which typically have a higher cost, and free Community Classes. As classes are added to the schedule in Scheduler, studios can distinguish which Series Types are required for booking that class. The following troubleshooting method can be used when a customer is unable to book a class...
View the active Series the customer has in her account (> Booker, then search for customer and click on Series tab) and then look at the Series Type which is displayed beneath the Series name. (in example below, the active Series are associated to Barre, Cycle and peak Series Type.)
2. Go to the Scheduler, click on the class for which the customer is trying to book and see if that Series Type is selected.
3. The customer cannot book the class if her active Series are not associated to the Series Type selected for the class. (in example above, the customer has several Series, however, none are associated to the Personal Training Series Type)