Products can be bundled with Series purchases; for example, studios can sell water, towels, shoe/mat rentals as part of a premium Series or Contract. Here's the setup.
Set up a Product Category with 'For Series' selection enabled (Scheduling/Retail > Categories)
Create new bundled Products under this new Category. NOTE: the pricing add-on should reflect a price to cover ALL CLASSES in the package not just for a single class (i.e. when selling 10 Class Pack, there might be a corresponding Product called "10 Pack Shoe Rentals" priced at 10x the cost of a single rental).
On the Series form (Scheduling/Retail > Series or Contract), bundled products will display in the Bundled Products selection box as options.
On the customer-facing studio standard system Pricing page bundled Product(s) will be displayed as purchase options via checkboxes. NOTE: for custom Pricing pages, studios will need to send customers to the standard system zingFit Pricing page for purchase of bundled products.
When the Customer purchases a bundled option, the bundled Product will be included as a line item among the purchase details. So the series/contract and the product will be taxed or not taxed the same.
For fulfillment of Bundled Products, the Print Sign-in Sheet (Booker > Class Menu once a class is selected to the left) will display all Bundled Products below the Customer name on the sign-in sheet -- Bundled Product assignments to customers are not displayed elsewhere in the Admin)