Analytics Overview
The zingfit iframe supports three analytics systems;
Tracking Purchases
Purchase transactions can be tracked for any of the analytics systems. The zingfit system produces conversion information, hidden from the user, including product name and purchase value.
For Google Analytics or GTM you need to enable Google Ecommerce Tracking for your domain. Set-up instructions for Google Ecommerce Tracking can be found here:
Please note: zingfit only supports standard commerce tracking, not enhanced commerce tracking
Google Analytics
We offer the following through Google Ecommerce Tracking
Complete Registration
Add To Cart
Booked (classes, events)
Page Views
With either of the google systems, the iframe will emit events and write directly to your analytics implementations. You do not need to do anything on the zingfit side for this to happen. Install Google Tag Manager or Google Analytics (GA) on your website and the zingfit iframe script will integrate with it automatically.
Facebook Pixel Analytics
For Facebook, you will need to register your pixel ID in the zingfit System Settings and the tracking code will be rendered within the iframe pages.
We offer the following through Facebook Pixel Analytics:
Registration Completed
Add To Cart
To find your Facebook Pixel ID, Go to your Ad Manager or;
Power Editor > Select Tools > Pixels > Grab the ID in the top right
Then login into your zingfit account and go to; Admin > Configuration > System Settings. Paste the Facebook Pixel in the appropriate field > Save.
For each example, it is assumed the iframe is loaded on your pricing page with a hash path of `#/pricing`
Google Universal Analytics
Page View'set', 'page','#/pricing')'send', 'pageview')Custom Event ga('send', 'event', 'Registration', 'Complete');
Google Tag Manager
Page View window.dataLayer.push({'page':'#/pricing'})Custom Event dataLayer.push({'event': 'CompleteRegistration'});
Facebook Pixel
Page View fbq('track', 'PageView');Custom Event fbq('track', 'CompleteRegistration');