The zingfit system is unique in that it offers studios a range of booking window for the website reserve/scheduling pages.
Release Date Schedule - can be configured to display available studio Classes for any number of days. A new weekly schedule is released at the day and time specified by the studio. Where multiple weeks are available for booking, those weeks are displayed on one page. Non-bookable days are not displayed Example:
Navigable Release Date Schedule - same as the above, except a) displays only one week at a time with navigation to previous and subsequent weeks, b) can displaying any number of non-bookable days. Example:
Rolling Schedule - has navigation for previous and next weeks, and always makes available a set number of days (the number of available days is variable on a release date schedule depending upon the current day of the week. Rolling schedules can display any number of non-bookable days.
To implement a new schedule or to change options, please send an email to **To set a time for booking to close before class go to Admin> System Configuration> Studio> choose your studio and edit the settings for Bookable Minutes Before Class.**